The cuisine of Vichy Beach

Savoring refined gourmet food with extraordinary simplicity in a magical space by Lake Como, this is the unforgettable experience of the Vichy Beach kitchen.

Classic Italian cuisine with a touch of innovation characterized by fresh, authentic ingredients.

A unique and enveloping setting that welcomes its guests with discretion and excellence.


Quality raw materials, authenticity and simplicity are at the heart of Vichy Beach’s philosophy, which selects only the best the market has to offer, with full respect for seasonality.

Each individual ingredient has its own importance, each dish has its own story and is made to bring out the best of each component in a harmonious dance of flavors and smells.

The care given to every detail and the attention paid to the choice of products used are immediately noticeable. Crossing the threshold of the kitchen, one will have the opportunity to notice that order and cleanliness reign at all times, constituting the starting point of a high-quality proposal that has customer satisfaction as its goal.

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